You probably have heard a million times that “the Caribbean witness hurricanes every year that has devastating wrought upon impact.” Well, if you haven’t heard about it, now you know.
However, you shouldn’t let the hurricane season prevent you from having a wonderful vacation. Because, despite the high risks, there are much higher rewards for you.
Most people think canceling their vacation in hurricane season, is the safest and most favorable decision. Well, that might work for you.
But the bitter truth is while you are away, thousands of people seen case after case is getting the most out of life. I know you might be wondering “how is that even possible?”
Well, here is the catch:
“By the time you’re armed with the right knowledge of how, where, and when to visit the Caribbean in the hurricane season, I promise you will be friends with the hurricanes!”
And by the end of this article, you’ll have a useful, action-oriented, and clearly understood strategy that you can apply on your vacation right away to remain safe and sound while enjoying your stay.
Join 100s of Happy Travelers and enjoy exciting benefits from the Hurricane Season in the Caribbean.
Also Read: How Safe is Punta Cana? What Travelers Need To Know

I would recommend “you plan your next vacation to the Caribbean in the hurricane seasons.”
I know it sounds ridiculous!
The truth is: I was once in your shoes. Totally terrified by the hurricane season, which prevented me several times from vacationing.
I’ve always dreamt of having a long vacation in the Caribbean during autumn/fall season but was scared of the hurricanes. But everything changes the moment I met Prof. Bratcher M. Hill.
A day came, I summon up courage and went to the Caribbean island “Cuba” in the early winter –despite my fears.
About a day or two in Cuba, I met a professional geographer named Bratcher M. Hills, who then discloses everything one needs to know in preparation for hurricane season Caribbean (more on that soon).
That said, I’ll be teaching you the exact same strategies Prof. Bratcher taught me, that I use up to this day to beat the hurricanes and get the most out of my vacation.

The great news?
Thousands of people are already using these tricks to get desirable success for their vacation. So, don’t be left behind!
Ever feel terrified by the hurricane season? You’re not alone! Join thousands of travelers who had learned how to identify when the hurricane season starts, places that suffer the deadly storm, and safe places for retreat.
Tired of overwhelming rules to deal with the hurricane season? Get easy-to-apply creative ideas for quick results.
Beat the Fear of the hurricane season! Get inspired by thousands of happy travelers who have seen vacationing on different Caribbean islands during the worst hurricane moments.
How to Deal With The Hurricane Season Caribbean

Plan & Strategize Smartly for the Hurricane Season
Yes, it is possible to have an ideal beach vacation you crave during the Atlantic hurricane season, but it’s critical to prepare for the eventuality of a serious tropical storm.
That said, here are three things you must know before you make the trip:
First and foremost, you should understand what forms a hurricane, how deadly and disastrous it is, and then, know its season –when it comes and goes, so you can avoid it.

As simple as ABCD…
Firstly, a hurricane is a larger-rotating tropical cyclone that sustains one-minute winds of at least 74 miles per hour, with a low air-pressure area (often called the eye) located at the center.

Furthermore, there are four recipes to cook a good hurricane. They’re as followed:
- A pre-existing weather disturbance: A little tropical wave could be the start of a serious hurricane.
- Warm Water: A 50-meter in-depth water of at least 26.5 degrees Celsius can power the storm.
- Thunderstorm: A thunderstorm activity serves like an ally that turns the ocean heat into hurricane fuel.
- Low Wind Shear: A high-pressure wind direction speed near the storm can wake up a hurricane.
In short, mix all these recipes and you have gotten a hurricane.
Trips that seems Impossible during Hurricane Season, is possible!

You should know by now the stakes are high. Thus, let’s break it down.
The tropical cyclone causes harmful waves that pose a significant hazard to coastal residents, tourists, and mariners. It means if you’re on a vacation, the hurricane can disrupt your cruiser-tour, surfing, and other exciting water activities.
On top of that, the most essential hazards of a hurricane are storm surge, tornadoes, high winds, debris, and rain/flooding.

More precisely, the storm surge is the most deadly and disruptive part of the hurricane.
Storm surges are capable of taking anyone/anything within its reach and drag it into the water.
I guess by now you’ve seen how critical it is to know when the hurricane season starts, places that suffer the deadly storm, and safe places for a retreat (more on that later).
You have a choice. You can be either be ignorant of Prof. Bratcher’s hurricane season strategies and put your life at risk or learn the easy-to-apply tricks and enjoy your vacation to the fullest. The choice is yours.
Here are some details you must pay attention to when dealing with hurricane season in the Caribbean:
1. When is Hurricane Season for the Caribbean?
The Caribbean’s hurricane Season begins from 1st June until 30th November. Although, you can still enjoy normal weather in June and July –most times.
But on the Eastern Caribbean, you are likely to experience the worst storms (hurricanes at its peak) in mid-August and mid-September. Also, on the Western part, the peak runs from mid-August until early November.
I have known from experience, that August is the ideal time to visit the southern Caribbean island, particularly Barbados. Because I have gone to Barbados in August several times during the hurricanes and it’s safe.
I’ve also enjoyed the sunny weather in October and November, although there might be short heavy rainfall in the afternoon or evening –occasionally.
The temperatures remain at around 29°C to 31°C throughout the year. It barely gets too hot. Besides, the constant sea breezes help cool the entire Island.
It’s crucial to know when the hurricane season starts and ends in each of these regions. Additionally, below I’ll list out the best cities and towns in each of these regions, where you can spend your vacation.
2. Retreat Locations during the Hurricane Season in the Caribbean
According to 100-years of hurricane date shown, “The Caribbean has been hit by a very powerful and violent hurricane Irma in the year 2017”. It was particularly a bad year for me and thousands of other tourists.
We witness the most dangerous hurricane (called Irma) –a category 5 storm –probably the biggest of all hurricanes.
The destruction was intense, spreading across the northern Caribbean in early September.
The most affected territories were Cuba, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos, Anguilla and Puerto Rico.
Luckily I met Prof. Bratcher M. Hills. After much said, we both migrated to the southern Caribbean islands which were secured and rarely affected by the hurricanes.
I can assure you can have a peaceful vacation with yourself, families, and friends on the Southern Caribbean coast without worrying about any symptoms of a hurricane.
Both Prof. Bratcher and I had a wonderful vacation, as we enjoyed countless trips to Barbados, Trinidad, St Lucia, and Tobago.
Below are some of the Caribbean islands we went to during the deadly storm:
Bonaire: Bonaire Island is well-known for its impressive diving paradise. On this island, you get to explore the underwater treasures and enjoy the exclusive water activities free-off charge.
Granada: The major reason tourists visit this island is because of its spectacular beaches. Granada has the most popular beaches in the Caribbean. It offers more than three miles of Turquoise water, white sand, tons of restaurants, bars, lovely shaded areas, and fun activities.
Curaçao: I think one of the reasons we adore a vacation center is for curb appeal and Curaçao has that touch in it. It has a pleasant Dutch colonial architecture, excellent history museums filled with flourishing arts, culinary scenes, wondrous caves, windward coast dotted with whiptail blue lizards, and prickly cacti. We swam in memorable moment-to-moment trips.
Aruba: If you long for a feeling of peace and happiness –one completely free from the noisy crowd –I recommend going to Aruba. There is constant sunshine even in hurricane season. Bath in the warmth of powdery-soft white sand beaches of turquoise and gentle winds. Friendly people are always eager to welcome you to Aruba.
Another go-to option which is not a target area for a hurricane is the Dominican Republic.
In fact, NWS (National Weather Service) shows the country hasn’t been hit directly by a hurricane since 1998 until this moment. It is wholly safe for you if you aren’t confident about other safe islands.
Besides, all major hotels and resorts were built to withstand tropical storms.
Hurricane affects each island differently.
For instance, the Western and Southern Caribbean Islands are less likely to be hit, compared to those Islands on the Eastern Caribbean.
A bonus tips: “statistic recently shows Dow Jones Island is the least island to be hit by a hurricane, compared to other safe islands less likely to be hit.”
3. The Long-term Benefits with Low Risk
If you’re willing to travel to the Caribbean in the hurricane season, you’ve taken half of the Caribbean potential vacation time.
The hurricane season is the most affordable time to visit the Caribbean. Flight deals, meals, paid-activities, and resort offers are inexpensive and abundant.
For this reason, many islanders around the globe travel during this season, only to take advantage of these deals.
Besides, the risk is low and it’s worth it.
Aside from that, let’s say you’re traveling to find love, yourself or spend exclusive time with loved ones.
You know “lower rates and fewer crowds” plays a major role in your vacation. And during the hurricane season, the Caribbean islands are less crowded. That said, you can enjoy your stay without much disturbance.
3 No-stress Guides that prepare you thoroughly for The Hurricane Season

1. To remain less frightened and prepared for the Hurricane at any time: Constantly check for updates from the National Hurricane Center before your trip and throughout your stay. They have the best tracks and predictions for tropical weather. Also, without fail, they always issue hurricane warnings across the Atlantic Ocean about 48hours in advance.
2. Buy Travel Insurance: Purchasing travel insurance is commonsense. For me, I always get my travel insurance either from or They cover warnings and alerts for tropical storms, as well. More precisely, it covers all cancellations or interruptions to destinations considered uninhabitable.
3. Don’t have the money to purchase Travel insurance: If you booked a trip without buying any travel insurance –don’t panic if the hurricane hits. The Caribbean Tourism Organization has a close eye on the storms’ developments and has retreat zones for evacuation.
In conclusion, I’m 100% confident in our exclusive guides. Time and time again, my clients and I have used these exact same strategies to remain safe during the hurricane season while enjoying our stay.
On top of that, you are never alone!
If you have any doubts or misconceptions unsolved, please do not hesitate to voice your complaint via the comment section below. We’ll be obliged to help you in any way possible.
Hopefully, after now you will have the undeniable confidence to travel during the Hurricane Season to find your peace.
It will be a shameful thing if thousands of less informed travelers around the world still find the Hurricane season the ideal time to visit the Caribbean –let alone you, who is pretty much informed.